Hip replacement surgeryThe main objectives of total hip replacement are: - To substantially reduce pain (if not eliminate all pain)
- To maintain or improve range of movement
- To improve function, whether it be mobility or particular tasks such as walking, housework, shopping, exercise etc.
What can I expect following total hip arthroplasty? It is reasonable to expect virtually normal function for your age if all goes well, in other words ability to walk several miles unaided, to go swimming, to probably play golf if you are a golf player for example or recreational tennis. You may experience occasional aching around the hip, particularly over the outer side - the trochanter. You should have a good range of movement but you may have slight limitation in terms of flexion and rotation. Most activities should be possible. You must remember to be careful bending at the extreme to avoid dislocation. Dislocation is mainly a potential problem in the first 12 weeks but there is a low and persistent risk of dislocation several years later. One must avoid very strenuous flexion and rotation of the hip. Remember that the end result is somewhat variable and depends on pre-operative health and function. There is a very good chance that you will be pleased with the improvement following surgery. High activity levels such as extensive swimming, use of exercise bike and use of the gym, particularly the cross trainer and various other devices should be possible in most patients who are otherwise fit and active, although it may be sensible to avoid very high activity levels such as road running. Some patients, particularly younger patients, want to resume very active sports such as running, mountaineering and very occasionally contact sports. Skiing is another activity patients sometimes ask about. There are different perspectives regarding advice as to whether patients should engage in these activities. In some patients who are otherwise fit and active it is possible to return to this activity but I think most people would accept that they do put the joint in some jeopardy both in terms of how long it lasts and how quickly it wears and therefore if an individual patient understands that and accepts that these activities may reduce the lifespan it is perhaps an individual decision the patient needs to consider but views amongst surgeons and patients will vary quite considerably regarding these more extreme activities. |  | Related ArticlesHeading for surgery Surgery quite clearly is not the first option in dealing with arthritis. Any operation ... 11/10/2012 16:47:01 Read more...
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